seems disney has announced it’s re-launching the house of the future. imagineers are trying their bestest so they don’t repeat past mistakes (the original monsanto house of the future closed its doors once it became outdated...in the sixties -only ten years after it opened. years later it was bulldozed and gutted to make way for what became the “alpine gardens”). now instead of coming up with some snazzy futuristic look, they’re keeping it safe: on the outside, the house will look like something out of pleasantville. inside though, the new house of the future, re-dubbed “innoventions dream home,” will stay true to the original: it’ll be stuffed with all sorts of “mindblowing” gadgets and “techno-marvels” for everyday easy-livin’. in other words, disney’s idea of the future is still full of useless crap that distracts us from whatever might be significant and keeps away the insecurities of our pitiful consumerist drowse. sweet!
"tomorrow is always built on today", indeed.*
* i guess the folks at disney read their michelet, or at least their benjamin (i.e., every epoch dreams the one to follow)
**fantastic pic found @ daveland
"Candyland: on the sweet little game of architecture. amateur notes & clippings."
I guess I would focus more on the "pleasantville" aesthetic, it is much more scary to me than the gadgets inside.
Tepito deis & Tepito Nites te esperan
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