

if only i could spend this weekend in df
and party like the dead

happy muertos


sad scott matthew

i was riding the metro this morning listening to
sad scott matthew
and one of the fluorescent light-bulbs overhead
was ailing too
blinking and flickering on and off a little
the train was one of those long, continuous, corridor-trains
with no dividing doors
so i could see everyone riding till the end
it felt like looking at a screen
and everyone was silent and gloomy and bursting with
like scott and me



if mexico could vote on nov. 4, this is what our electoral map would look like:

reforma, one of mexico city's main newspapers has put up a poll on its website to determine if takers lean more towards obama or mccain in terms of policy affiliation. over 5000 have responded so far and results are pretty categorical. (by the way, yucatán—the only red state on the map—considers itself an independent republic; it's like the mexican alaska).



i'm sorry, i just had to


posting drought

expect something interesting, mañana.