
sunny (underside) of the street

leave your coat and leave your hat (this is medellín, for chrisakes)
(try to) leave your worries on the doorstep
if life can't be that sweet, at least make the underbelly of the street a little sunnier

that's what young gifted and hot costa rican federico herrero has done in his intervention for the medellín biennale, reports blowdelabarra blog.

although the pitter-pat you hear is probably the f*cking taxis and buses overhead, not the happy tune in your step there is a hint of naïf charm about herrero's work. he mixes ugly with pretty without imposing, or being corny or condescending. paint is splahed on the unsuspecting surfaces of empty ponds and pools, bare concrete corners, school buildings or public transport buses. herrero extracts a drop of innocence from these quiet and somewhat unwelcoming environments, as if he'd found a way to drill into some crevice and hit a gentler vein or marrow of colorful goo.

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